New competition regulations and corporate concepts

Sustainable infrastructure offers for shrinking regions

© inter 3 GmbH

New demands on infrastructure due to demographic change

In the second stage of the "future-compliant infrastructure proposals” project inter 3 is developing concrete water resource management strategies for adapting to demographic transition in Brandenburg, and entrepreneurial solutions that build on these. The project is supported by the German Federal Ministry for Transport, Building and Urban Affairs and the Brandenburg Ministry for Rural Development, Environment and Consumer Protection. Three companies, each representing different areas of settlement structures, are participating in the project work. The developed strategies are to be implemented in close cooperation with the regional partners.

The Federal Land of Brandenburg lends itself well as the region under investigation because of the significant shrinkage it is experiencing, and because of its well developed adaptation to the uneven distribution of population in the area. Moreover, the current re-working of the municipal constitution, the Brandenburg Water Act, and the local public transport act offer good starting points for the new alignment of the existing regulatory framework.

Competition – Company size – New business areas

The supply companies are the focus of the concretisation project’s investigation because they are on the one hand under great pressure to act and on the other hand already operating and thus a key starting point for solutions with positive knock-on effects. The project highlights the three spheres of activity (1) competition, (2) size of company and supply area, and (3) development of new business fields as well as advancement of expertise in municipal governance and the necessary changes for this.

Future-compliant water supply and wastewater disposal

Implementation will only take place if the involved parties and local government accept the proposals. A dialogue concept for integrating the regional players, events and workshops in the pilot regions, and the "future-compliant water supply and wastewater disposal” consortium ensure that this acceptance is gained early.

Sustainable infrastructure offers for shrinking regions - new competition regulations and business concepts using the example of Brandenburg model regions - concretization project


Helke Wendt-Schwarzburg, +49(0)30-34 34 74 46


Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)Ministerium für Ländliche Entwicklung, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz (MLUV) des Landes Brandenburg  


Land Brandenburg


2006 –  2007