Be ready for new trends
Sustainable tourism as model for a socially and environmental sound way of travelling offers promising answers for the challenges of climate change. Sustainable tourism ensures low CO2 emitting journeys to and from the resort, accommodations that are run in an environmental sound manner and low impact activities on site (e.g. sustainable mobility). Traveling options following such principles have higher growth rates as package tourism. The project c-sustour conducted by the Inter-University Research Centre for Technology, Work and Culture in Graz supports the tourist region Carinthia in adapting to these changes.
inter 3 processes the empirical results of a constellation analysis and visualizes the current status quo (status quo-constellation). Furthermore starting points for the development and the implementation of sustainable tourism in Carinthia are worked out (target constellation).
Target: strategic support for sustainable tourism in Carinthia
Main objective is the identification of supporting and inhibiting factors for sustainable tourism in that region. In workshops strategies to promote sustainable tourism in Carinthia shall be developed with policy makers, tourism researchers, consultants and further parties involved.
Result: Tie up of starting points, milestones and targets
Results of the constellation analysis are pointed visualizations of strategic starting points for the promotion of sustainable tourism in Carinthia. This will emphasize how the different levels – policy, companies, strategic management and customers – can support each other, and how activities on the way to a sustainable tourism can be synchronized.