Friederike Krause

Environmental psychologist

Friederike Krause is a psychologist with a focus on human-environment interaction. What motivates people regarding the climate crisis, and how do attitudes and knowledge play a role in this context? Friederike Krause is particularly interested in the influence of individuals on transformative processes. It is especially important to her not to get lost in research but also to be in contact with local actors.

"What drives me? The design of a sustainable environment through the inclusion of human experience."

Friederike Krause studied psychology at the Technical University of Braunschweig. After completing her master's degree in legal psychology, she dedicated herself to environmental psychology. In this field, she transformed complex, unfamiliar topics into simple graphics to make them accessible to a broader audience and deepened her methodological knowledge. The environmental psychologist brings her statistical/methodological expertise and creative skills to the table.

Current projects